Oct 11 – 14, 2016
OIST Conference Center
Japan timezone



Program Schedule

We updated Conference Program with all session lists (keynote talks, full papers, short papers). You can now check the title and authors for each presentation.

Full Paper Sessions

Full paper authors present their work in 20-minute presentations including Q&A. Please prepare presentation in 16:9 format. We will use SONY SRX-T110 Full HD Projector for oral presentations.

In addition to papers accepted by the Pacific Graphics 2016, the conference presents papers that have been published in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).

Short Paper Sessions

At the conference, short paper authors provide 2-minute overviews of their work in Short Papers Fast Forward, then they present their complete papers in 90-minute Short Papers Poster Presentation.

Keynote Speakers

[Day 1: October 11th] 09:20 - 10:20

C.Karen Liu
C.Karen Liu
Associate Professor of Georgia Institute of Technology
C. Karen Liu is an associate professor in School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Washington in 2005. Liu's research interests are in computer graphics and animation, including physics-based animation, character animation, numerical methods, robotics and computational biomechanics. She develops computational models of human and animal motion and applies them to build tools to facilitate scientists, engineers, and artists to model, simulate, and design natural motion. Liu received National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and was named Young Innovators Under 35 by Technology Review. In 2012, Liu received the ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award for her contribution in the field of computer graphics.
Animal Motion in Dynamic Environments: From Science to Animation and Back
Animals on our planet display a wide variety of means to interact with the world. The diverse control mechanisms and different physical environments result in various form of locomotion and manipulation strategies. Much research work in computer animation has focused on the active control of virtual characters. The resultant motion, however, also depends on realistic simulation of the physical surroundings, such as the media or objects the animals are in contact with. In this talk, I will address three problems to extend our ability to animate animal motion in dynamic environments: gait discovery in aquatic medium, learning bicycle stunts, and manipulation of cloth for dressing tasks. These problems have their unique challenges in physics simulation, in contact modeling, and in optimization of control policy. The first project presents a technique to accurately simulate the hydrodynamic effects on articulated aquatic creatures. The second project describes how an simulated character learns bicycle stunts by simultaneously searching for the parameterization and parameters of an optimal control policy. Finally, I will introduce a new planning algorithm that enables virtual characters to put on various types of simulated garments in a natural way. I will conclude with some interdisciplinary efforts to accelerate the impact of computer animation on other scientific and engineering fields.
Keynote: C.Karen Liu

[Day 2: October 12th] 09:00 - 10:00

Jun Mitani

Jun Mitani
Professor of University of Tsukuba
Jun Mitani received Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2004. He has been a professor in the University of Tsukuba since April 2015. His research interests center in computer graphics, especially geometric modeling techniques. He studies geometry of curved origami as well as interactive design interface.
Computational Origami Design
Among a variety of fabrications, paper is one the most familiar material for us, and origami, making objects by folding a sheet of paper, attracts people all over the world. However, making intended shapes by just folding a sheet of paper is not a simple task due to its geometrical restrictions caused by the non-stretchable property of material. In this talk, I will look back on history of origami design, and introduce today's origami design approaches as well as our origami design systems. Most of the systems we developed are interactive, and able to handle curved folds. I will also show some industrial applications and attractive origami artworks.
Keynote: Jun Mitani

[Day 3: October 13th] 09:00 - 10:00

Chris Wojtan

Chris Wojtan
Professor of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria)
Chris Wojtan is a Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Graphics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010. He has written numerous research papers on physics simulation and geometry processing, including 17 papers presented at ACM SIGGRAPH. Much of his research aims to find efficient numerical solutions for physics problems that couple with extremely complicated geometry and topology, with particular emphasis on generating liquid motion and fracture patterns. His work has been awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, the Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Microsoft Visual Computing Award, an ERC Starting Grant, the Eurographics Young Researcher Award, and the ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award.
Surface-Only Methods for Simulating Flow and Fracture
Physical simulation is a valuable tool for creating extremely detailed and realistic animations of natural phenomena. However, simulations of fluids and elastic bodies can become very expensive, because they require the solution of complicated partial differential equations over an entire 3D volume, which is repeated across many time steps. In our recent research, we have developed method for solving these problems using only the surface, instead of the entire volume. This boundary-only strategy can lead to significantly less memory storage, orders of magnitude faster computation, and theoretically interesting perspectives on the original problem. In this talk, I will present methods from SIGGRAPH 2015 and 2016 that introduce surface-only methods for simulating bubbles, liquid splashes, ocean waves, and fracturing solids.
Keynote: Chris Wojtan

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